Wednesday, July 14, 2021


    Today is July 14, 2021. 


    For those numerically-minded folks, you immediately see a 7, a 14, and a 21. 


3 sevens.

Humans love 7. 
We see it all the time. It’s perfect for so many things! Two teams of three plus one referee. An even circle of six with seven in the middle. Seven narrative points to help tell the story. The Seventh Seal! The Seventh Son! Segram's 7 and 7!
    Throughout human history we see sevens. Seven this, seven that. Seven seven seven! And today is 7 plus 7 plus 7. What does it all mean?

    Nothing. Nothing at all. I think numerology is a consequence of innumeracy, a crafty way to turn math (logic) into magic (belief). 

    Whenever I see a clock that says 11:11 I think "Angel time" because I used to listen to crazy late night AM radio (now crazy daytime breaking news) and a big topic back then was angels and how if you ever notice a clock reading 11:11 an angel is doing something. I guess angels weren't operating in the days before digital clocks. (They never talked about that on the late night nut show.) 
    Being a big ol' sucker for pattern recognition, I notice these things but rather than taking them as a sign from an angry and/or benevolent god, I take them as a chance to pause and think about the way we name things, our systems of organization, etc. There's no actual significance to any of these number sequences. I mean, times, dates, it's all predictable. Then again, if it's June 6 and my flight is number 666 and it takes off at 6:66, I might change that flight. 
    Anyway, I like 7 and especially 777 (it's the name of my guitar!) and I'll take this opportunity to put in another good word for the number seven (7).
    And I'll leave you with this:   

    Q: Why is 6 afraid of 7?
    A: Because 7 8 9.  
    Of course, that's what they want you to think. 6 is afraid of 7 for a whole host of reasons. We'll get into it in the next hour when we're joined by our next guest. She's a white witch who used to work for the NSA and has some very...very interesting things to say when Coast to Coast returns.

    SFX: A thunder clap.

    And then an ad for some ointment!

    Hoo ha!

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