Late July, 2020, I officially go crazy and spend the weekend writing a bunch of words on a white board. It looks nuts, doesn't it? And now I've undone myself because I just told you what to think of this picture. "Nuts." But that's what you're here for, right? To have some words put into your head? Allow me to proceed!
Does this picture look like how you think? BAM! A hundred things going on at once, focus so easily pulled by yet another colorful word or interesting juxtaposition? Prior to my little trip on the Crazy Train to Word Town I'd been making lists of words. New words, old words, words that kept revealing themselves to me in one way or another. Each time I finished another list I'd ask "Why do I want to keep track of words I already know?" It's as if a part of me was saying "I know that things are going wrong for me (but) you gotta listen to my words. Yeah." (Solo)
Ultimately, the paper lists didn't do it for me (whatever "it" was) and I took to the white board. I left this monstrosity up for a couple of days and seeing words randomly stuck next to other words made me think of yet more words. I knew I could keep adding until they kicked in the door but why? What would be the point? What was the point of the lists in the first place? Why, why and, most of all, why? Eventually, I just settled on a general "I think these words are important right now." Maybe not "bro" but definitely things like "30 Day Notice" and "Authoritarianism." So, I figured I'd start a-slogging through a blog'n use these words as jumping off / falling down points. I took the picture, cleared the board, and immediately felt a little less crazy.
Then my toaster oven informed me it had been sending information to the government. And that's how William Barr knows I like the cake with the strudles!
Then my toaster oven informed me it had been sending information to the government. And that's how William Barr knows I like the cake with the strudles!
(By the way, part of the fun of words is using them incorrectly. It makes for silly mouth music. Strudles!)
In all the how-to-make-ten-million-dollars-blogging videos they say you have to announce what your blog is about right up front. Well, I want ten million dollars too so this blog is about two things: Words (did you get that?) and authenticity.
No, wait, scratch that. It's only about one thing: Words. But the first word is authenticity. Why? Because I announced up top that I went a little dry-erase crazy there. And I think it's fair to say I may not have come all the way back. That's truth. That's authentic. So, here's my commitment to you, you hot, steamy blog reader: I'll tell you the truth as I see it, write every day, do the best I can, and use my words with care. If I'm wrong about everything, let's get me corrected pronto. Life's a-burnin'. And there are too many people wandering around being wrong all day. I have little interest in being one.
I think we're all suffering from a dire lack of authenticity. We live in a fairly superficial world, full of synthetic happiness and plastic distractions. Junk food, junk news, junk politics, junk ideas, junk religion, junk junk, and junk junk junk.*
No, wait, scratch that. It's only about one thing: Words. But the first word is authenticity. Why? Because I announced up top that I went a little dry-erase crazy there. And I think it's fair to say I may not have come all the way back. That's truth. That's authentic. So, here's my commitment to you, you hot, steamy blog reader: I'll tell you the truth as I see it, write every day, do the best I can, and use my words with care. If I'm wrong about everything, let's get me corrected pronto. Life's a-burnin'. And there are too many people wandering around being wrong all day. I have little interest in being one.
I think we're all suffering from a dire lack of authenticity. We live in a fairly superficial world, full of synthetic happiness and plastic distractions. Junk food, junk news, junk politics, junk ideas, junk religion, junk junk, and junk junk junk.*
So, what's the blog about? Mostly, me making a mess to amuse myself as I'm going off the rails. I'm not sure if I'm going or coming but "maybe, it's not too late - to learn how to love and forget how to hay-ee-ayee-ate."
(Second solo, mostly tapping.)
(Second solo, mostly tapping.)
This blog post is OVER!
*And heroin, which is also called "junk." I'd make a "sweet China white" or "chasing the dragon" joke right here but the only thing I know about heroin is what I picked up listening to Guns 'N Roses.**
**And if you're not a big fan of asterisk jokes, you're in the wrong place. But then, ultimately, aren't we all in the wrong place right now?
Next up: Meanwhile, across the street... >>>