Friday, July 2, 2021

Brainwashing II: Return of the Washed Brains

    Now you may be saying (out loud - do it - say it out loud!) Goodly, I happen to prefer the flavor -enhanced, taste-impacted, hand-crafted artesianal cheeses from Global Cheesers' Signature Select line of deli-style serving cheeses. You need to understand, this cheese is taste-impacted!

    And that's a great point. And who can argue with a line of cheeses that has the company president's signature right there on the label. I mean, that's pretty much a legally binding guarantee of quailty. I also understand that seeing is believing is seeing etc. So, if you haven't taken a moment for yourself lately, side step this little bit of bloggy nonsense right here and read about the man whose been making your breakfast your whole life. I present to you the King of Eggs and Bacon, Edward Bernays.

    He's called "The Father of Spin" but he should really be called "The Almighty God of Propaganda." 

    Read up, cupcake. And if you aren't terrified when you're done, then you, my friend, are part of the problem.


July 26 - Let's be the goodness

“Often injustice lies in what you are not doing, not only in what you are doing.” - Marcus Aurelius      I believe we are all individual com...