Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Ever Growing Word List - A Rant!

    For years now I’ve had this notion that there are a handful of words I should be real familiar with. I make these lists over and over and see what words keep coming up. Here’s a sample of some of those words used in sentences. Like in school!

    Asymmetrical Warfare explains how we were (and are) invaded without even noticing it. No tanks in the streets, no troops kicking in doors, everything looks the same, it's all fine. Gaining the mainlines to our brains has made invasion as easy as posting pictures and saying the opposite thing.    

    Authoritarianism is woven into so many of our systems (capitalism, education, criminal justice, parenting, religion) and we do what humans do: habituate in order to survive. We end up so numb to the hand on the back of our neck that when an actual dictator shows up, half of us literally can’t see it. Neat trick, right? It took a lot of time and effort. It didn't happen overnight. History is the playbook.

    By not understanding numbers (innumaracy) we have no sense of scope and as a result constantly misjudge things that affect us. Millions. Billions. Trillions. We have no idea what these numbers actually are. We're used to seeing them on screens, hearing about them, but when was the last time you dealt with 100,000 anything? If the five richest people quit playing with rocket ships and fake markets and decided to say, end childhood hunger, could they? 

    Because of the commoditization of all things spiritual our souls have been corrupted and we can’t see where we as individuals fit in the larger context of humanity or the universe. I've heard it said our national religion is individualism. I think it's neglect. 

    Apathy and neglect. I think about these two a lot.

    We’re all addicted to casual, comforting forms neglect, generational ignorance, and institutionalized abuse. Fast food is not only legal, it's the norm. We don't target and manage our screen time, our screen time targets and manages us. We are the product. We are the commodity. Our attention is bought and sold. And our brains need to be numb for this to happen. So we do that work, we numb our brains. We unlock the gates and invite the wolves inside.

    We (and by "we" I mean "I") use “we” when claiming victory (“We done won that war / game / fight!”) but then deny “our” part in any kind of horror or failure (“We didn’t invent slavery!”) or global crisis (“We didn’t do anything! The world just gets on fire sometimes. Now I’m driving across the my yard to get my mail. I hope it's more cataloges!”)

    Who do we mean when we say "we" anyway? How often do we say "we" and "us" and "everybody" when we mean "I" and "I" and "I"?

    America is a mind-crushing mental health disaster of rabid consumerism, endless want generation, and lucrative propaganda feeds. Perverse incentives drive our markets and prove the rat race pays handsomely if you're willing to eat your fellow rats. This psychological free fall (free for all?) reveals our deep and well-cultivated beliefs in magical thinking, mythological hero archetypes, and pathetic fictions of superiority.

    Feed a garden bullshit and you get vegitables. Feed a human brain bullshit and you get Jim Jordan. (Oh snap! I done name checked a gym coach!)

    No wonder we gobble pain killers and mood altering everything like we were raised to do nothing but that. In many ways, we were. How?

    Interacting with so many humans who seem to have their brains plugged directly into their buttholes is demoralizing. It's also embarrasing. 

    It's embarrassing
    Also! Bubbles (and what happens when they pop), Comedy, Debts (of all kinds), Ego, Funny, Gratitude, Horses...I like horses. And cats. And dogs...

    Those are some of the words I think about a lot. It's the endless ongoing discussion I try to distract myself from by doing bits like the one coming up. But before we get into this stuff, let’s take care of business and just...start the show - BLOG. Start the blog. The show. That’s also a blog...maybe...


July 26 - Let's be the goodness

“Often injustice lies in what you are not doing, not only in what you are doing.” - Marcus Aurelius      I believe we are all individual com...