Sunday, July 4, 2021

LAUNCH! (or the entry from JULY 4, 2021)

("...Instead of going to a cookout, he stayed home...We'll I don't like it either, Dedra! He just stays up there in the room all day...he says he's blogging....I don't know what it means, Dedra! That's why I'm calling you!...Okay, look, I can't do this right now. I'm on in five minutes and I have to make sure they wipe down the pole...because it's got sweat all over it, Dedra! You know how it is!")

-Overheard backstage at Shooters III. That was your mom talking. Your mom. The stripper.

* * * * * *

    Oh my god! America is 243 years old today. You think your grandpa has trouble understanding how to order dementia meds on a smart phone, imagine a 243 year old understanding voter suppression. Forget it!
    Today, I declare my independence from not having a blog. Am I 30 years too late? Possibly. Should I care? Maybe. Will I eventually invite you to go fu*k yourself if you have an issue with it? Allow me to extend that invitation riiiiiiight now. (RUDE! How dare me! Who do I think I am? Also: Where do I get off / What makes me so smart / That attitude of mine is really gonna get me in trouble blah blah blah, etc.)
    Now, I’m not 243 years old, nor was I established with the institution of slavery at the core of my very soul, so I don’t have much to complain about. I'll have to think of some stuff. You know, things that affect me.
    Is the bar that low? Apparently. And to put a point on it, I live in a small town in the South East so my bar is so low I can’t even hum it! And while that joke may not exactly make “sense,” it does stand as a nice example of what I’m shooting for here: 100 word minimums, a fuck ton of sass, and proof that I am, in fact, far too big for my britches. I mean, seriously, who do I think I am? And where do I get off?
    For starters, I’m gonna get off right here.

    (Exits bus right in front of Shooters III, pulls out a stack of single dollar bills.)

    I guess I'm about to finance your allowance, son. 'Cause your mom's a stripper!


    (This entry is over!)



July 26 - Let's be the goodness

“Often injustice lies in what you are not doing, not only in what you are doing.” - Marcus Aurelius      I believe we are all individual com...