Thursday, July 1, 2021


    Okay, so, we all know that the brainwash is active, ongoing, aimed directly at us and working. In fact, I think it's pretty obvious that the modern methods of brainwashing are more effective than ever. And the advances are not only technological but cultural. I mean, do you think of advertising as brainwashing? Do you consider political lies a form of psy-ops? What about the mythologies you chose to believe? What's coming through the various feeds you ingest on the daily? And when do the stories you tell yourself about yourself stop being just stories and start becoming dominant thoughts? Character traits? Behaiviors? 

    But wait, Goodly!
(You’re saying) I’m in full control of my brains. I’m modern. I know the difference between ad copy and news, fact and fiction, truth and lie. I know why I think what I think about what I think.
How could I possibly be brainwashed?

    Great question. I know it’s great because I wrote it and then put it in your head.
    And that’s the answer. It’s happening now.
PICKLES! You weren’t thinking about PICKLES but you are now. Because you’re consuming the words I’m writing and I’ve decided you need PICKLES in your brain right now. Your brain is recording these words. All of them. PICKLES! And whether or not you accept the premise of the content of the words (words!) you’re consuming (that premise being I am brainwashing you right now) it doesn’t matter because at the end of this entry one thing is for sure: You’re gonna be thinking PICKLES! because I wrote PICKLES! enough for that word (PICKLES!) to stick in your head. I’ve done it to you. I put a hook in your brain. A hook named 

    Coming to NETFLIX this fall:
    (Cue soft music)
    Of all the prosthetic arms in the hospital, this one had a dream: To be part of the egg juggling act in the local clown circus. Don’t miss A HOOK NAMED PICKLES. It will crack your shell and make you cry (or at least run all yolky all over the place).

    NETFLIX: Get friendly with someone who pays for it!

    P.S: Pickles!

            P.P.S: I done watched Tiger Town twelve times!

            P.P.P.S: I've just been informed it's not called "Tiger Town." The actual title is "Tiger King." And I did watched it twelve times. But it's not my fault! It was pandemic couch time!

July 26 - Let's be the goodness

“Often injustice lies in what you are not doing, not only in what you are doing.” - Marcus Aurelius      I believe we are all individual com...